Every OPC is required to comply the provision of Company law and have to intimate ROC about the financials and other details of the company annually. If it fails then penalty will be imposed on OPC for the same.
Every Company has to file returns annually to the ROC. Form MGT 7 contains the various information of company like share capital, any transfer etc. is required to file within 60 days of AGM to ROC.In technical term it’s known as Annual Return. Form AOC-4 is required to file within 30 days of AGM. This form contains the information like director report, notice of AGM, financials of company for the particular year end which include profit and loss, balance sheet and director report etc
Every Company is required to maintain various records and registers at the registered office of company. Registers such as Register of shares, Register of Members, Register of Directors etc. All such registers and records shall be open for inspection by its members during business hours