Every LLP have to file LLP Form 8 annually known as “Statement of Accounts and Solvency”. This statement contains the information relates with financials of LLP like asset liability etc. and one declaration by designated partners. :
LLP is required to file two forms on annual basis, Form 11 & Form 8. Form 11 is also known as annual return which is required to be filed within 60 days from the end of financial year and form 8 consist of the Statement of Accounts that would be submitted within 30 days after 6 months of FY. Every LLP has one financial year that must be ending on 31st March of a year.
First has to login to Mca portal. Proper fees have to be paid and then following documents of LLP will be available for inspection:-
• LLP registration documents ,
• Names of partners and changes, assuming any, made in that,
• Statement of Account and Solvency
Financial Statement and annual return
The expenses for such review of a LLP is Prescribed by law.