One Person Company Registration

One Person Company Registration

Serving to empower, the next step towards ownership.

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Private Limited

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Public Limited

We do it with MONEY BACK GUARANTEE For proprietorship registration Packages in JUST 7 DAYS

We concern the matters relating to false guarantees and specifically addressed the same by providing the MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for the service in simply 7 working days. When an individual not absolutely pleased with the services for which he paid, he might standup the disappointment with a describing observation. We maintain with precaution and issue a refund or credit the charge card according to the internal refund policy.

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Key Features & Benefits

Don’t deliver a product, deliver an experience through business registration

    One Person Company

  • Our law say that a single person can form a company for any lawful purpose. It further describes OPCs as private companies.It allows an entrepreneur to run a company as a separate legal entity.

    Single Member

  • OPCs can have only one member or shareholder, unlike other private companies


  • A unique feature of OPCs that separates it from other kinds of companies is that the sole member of the company has to mention a nominee while registering the company

Process of OPC Registration

Future is more secure in business registration with kodexive

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    Application for name availability

    The name of the one person company should close by word '(OPC) Private Limited'. It is advised to submit with two names in the order of preference. Company name rules and guidelines will be used at the time of application.
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Obtain digital signature (DSC)

During the registration process, all the documents are submitted online through MCA Portal. The incorporation forms are required certification of the director using digital signature certificate. Nominee is not required to procure DSC.
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Execution of company registration documents.

After the company name approval, the company incorporation documents such as memorandum of association (e-MOA) and articles of association (e-AOA) have to be executed by the promoter in the prescribed format along with documents i.e. consent to act as director, nominee consent form in INC-3, affidavits and declaration and KYC of promoters and utility bill not older than 2 months for registered office address.
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Company incorporation E-form submission

For successful completion of process, it is required to submit the e-forms with the MCA on the website for the purpose of approval.
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Generation of certificate of incorporation
Once the forms get approved, the certificate of incorporation will be issued under the hand of Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

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.Start your business now

On receipt of certificate of incorporation, the company comes into existence in the eyes of law. First amount of subscribed and paid-up share capital shall be deposited in the current account of company. The promoter may now commence the operations and business activities in the name of the company.

Documents Required For OPC Registration Packages

One person can leads to a big business empire

  •   Two name of company ( proposed )

  •   Main object details

  •   Capital details ( authorized and paid up)

Why Choose Us

We give best, Because you deserve best.

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    7 Reason Choose Kodexive

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24x7 Support

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Money Back Guarantee

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On Time Delivery

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500+ Satisfied Customer

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20+ Professionals